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January Episodes of The Outpost Podcast(video podcast

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Unscripted: Collected wisdom on life, living and sorrow.

The Outpost Podcast - Episode 25 - 2/26/2024

The first stage of the spiritual journey is the converted life. What does it look like, what are the challenges, and how do we make progress? Listen in to find out!

Episode 26 - 3/4/2024

As the spiritual journey gets underway, there are some key elements that are important to keep in mind. These include choosing your mentor carefully, and avoiding just collecting information about God rather than having a relationship WITH Him. Find out how to avoid the pitfalls, and take advantage the opportunities that are an important part of phase two of your spiritual journey.

Episode 30 Now that we are managing the challenges of "the wall," what's next? What does it look like to deepen our relationship with God and not depend on all that we can "do for Him?"

Episode 31

At this stage of our spiritual journey, we move into "the wild." In other words, we move from the inward journey exploring the landscape of our hearts, to the outward journey focused on serving others not as an escape from our hearts, but as an outpouring of what we have been developing in our hearts. Check it out, and see how it relates to you!

Episode 32 

Recorded on location with the Spring Silent Retreat 2024.  Hear about how the first day of a silent retreat and the spiritual developments that marked the start of the silent retreat.

Episode 33 

Recorded on location with the Spring Silent Retreat 2024.  Hear how the second day of the silent retreat, and the dramatic move of the Holy Spirit within the lives of the students.

Episode 34 

A final review of the Spring Silent Retreat, and the remarkable ways that God impacted the students who participated.  

Episode 35
As we come in for a landing about the spiritual journey, Dr. Mitsch examines what "settling in" for our lifelong journey looks like.