Free Resources

Here you will find a growing library of resources to guide your journey, and the relationships you will develop on that journey as well as the people you will find at the outposts you visit.  

Photo by Daniel Leone on Unsplash

Perfect the enemy of good?

The quest for perfection also leads to dithering: the endless reworking of a sentence or a melody or a sculpture from its original form until it comes full circle back to the form in which we originally laid it down.

The Outpost Podcast

The Outpost podcast is designed to engage the topics that are most meaningful to you.  We will have as our featured host, Dr. Ray Mitsch, but we will also have a line-up of thought leaders, authors, and speakers talking about the flight from the church, spiritual formation for young people, and the psych issues that impact faith and mental health.  

If you have listened to an episode, and it has particularly  touched your heart or impacted an area of your life, please consider throwing a "tip" our way to support the podcast.  All donations and gifts are tax-deductible.  

The Outpost Blog

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Key Value Proposition

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Presentations and Lectures by Dr. Mitsch

Over the course of his 15 years teaching at CCU, and other opportunities he has had to present on a variety of topics, our library of lectures and presentations by him has grown, and continues to grow.  


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